Of all my influences Blade Runner is by far the biggest. I love everything about the universe it inhabits not to mention the characters and themes it includes.
After seeing the new movie Blade Runner 2049 (great btw, go and see it) I had an idea for a game where you were some similar sort of bounty hunter/assassin in a similar world. This lead me to thinking about interesting ideas in how I could make it into a game that wasn't just the average run and shoot affair that everything is. I wondered about how you could make a game that evoked the feeling of being in that sort of world. How an interactive experience can help you do things you never could otherwise. This is what I came up with after some thinking.
A very basic proof of concept. I knew I could make a 2D world and get an artist to make awesome art work but the actual creation of a mechanic to prove it could be done was what I needed so I decided the registration number on the eye was a great idea.
Using a sprite mask I simply hid the number and set the sprite mask to follow the mouse when it was clicked. This would then reveal the reg to the player. I added the eye following the cursor to give some sense of interaction with the subject. I then changed the eyes constraint by checking the centre of the screen and then checking if it the centre of the eye was outside a certain radius.
This was about a 2 hour job and so while very basic helped me realise I could build a game around mechanics that engaged the player on an interesting level.
I hope to continue work into this idea and hope to craft other little experiments.